Asbestos Mesothelioma

Asbestos is a fibrous material that was often used for it's
great insulating properties. When intact, the fibers perform effectively and
provide no danger to humans. However, the fibrous material breaks down
tremendously with age, and when the individual fibers are inhaled into the
lungs, asbestosis may occur in exposed individuals. Asbestosis is a condition
where the lungs develop scar tissue.
This scarring can and in most cases does result in the
onset of Asbestos Mesothelioma. One of the most dangerous cancers known to the
medical community, this condition has been the reason for controversy
surrounding the use of asbestos at all. Generally, buildings with asbestos
require complete removal and quarantine of all materials until inspections are
In this type of cancer, the lining of the lungs becomes
inflamed, cells grow abnormally and the condition is extremely painful for the
patient. The condition can be either benign or malignant, both requiring
treatment although only the malignant variety is known to spread to surrounding
tissues and organs in the body.
The incubation period for this type of cancer can range
from twenty to fifty years from the time of exposure. Many new cases are being
discovered every day, however the number of new cases is anticipated to heavily
decline as a result of removal and regulatory efforts regarding the use of
Shortness of breath and chest pain are the two most
commonly reported signs of asbestos Mesothelioma, however other symptoms may
include rapid weight loss, abdominal pain and swelling, anemia, bowel
obstruction and unexplained fevers. If you were ever exposed to asbestos and
you experience these symptoms it is imperative to get to a doctor as soon as
possible for testing.
If the cancer has spread, you may also experience trouble
swallowing or facial swelling and pain.
Treatment for this type of cancer will vary on the patient,
their general health and the stage of the disease. Commonly used treatment
options are chemotherapy, radiation and in some cases surgery. Prognosis will be
determined after complete testing, and will depend on the severity of the
Mesothelioma - for terms page
Mesothelioma is cancer within the lining cells of the
lungs, and the chest cavity (peritoneum) or the lining of the heart
(pericardium). Generally, patients diagnosed with Mesothelioma have at some
point in their lives come in contact with asbestos, either at home or at their
jobs. Unfortunately, it takes many years for cancer to develop in these cases
and people who were exposed as long as 50 years ago are just now being
diagnosed. This is a very controversial cancer, resulting in many legislation
changes regarding the use of asbestos and many lawsuits against the companies
that continued to use the substance knowing it presented a potential serious


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