A Natural Solution to Pimples, Acne, Blackheads, and More

Have you ever swam in the ocean or seawater?
After you got out of the ocean or sea, your skin likely felt great. It is a common fact that when we are cut, bruised, or suffer many skin afflictions, bathing in the ocean will improve those conditions greatly.
From 1997 to 2007 I flew over 100,000 miles annually. Most of that travel was on business to the Caribbean. There were many years where the time spent there was two to three months a year. My whole family enjoyed much time at the beach while dad worked. You can be sure that each day at least 10 minutes were spent swimming for health and enjoyment benefits.
So I came across an interesting video from this lovely young lady who is teaching others to "DIY". Do it yourself. I am a huge fan of being practical. She was using a product (a brand of sea salt) we have used often in her production so my attention was grabbed even more. She has said people around the world have had great results using this treatment with success. If you do not like your results, she suggests simply discontinuing the process.
The ideal thing for us all to do is get to your nearest ocean and enjoy its waters while also getting a little exercise even. If you are not close to the sea, then you will want to follow the video instructions. There is more than one method of treating your skin too. I am curious about two things. If the steam method works well for anyone, and it any guys are going to try this?
Please provide feedback when you have a spare moment, I am sure everyone would love to hear your results. Your skin will likely enjoy the honey mask rubs. It is best to use local honey from local bees too for microbial reasons. Many people do not know that using local honey has been known to help fight infections and more.
We use sea salt daily in our cooking and home remedies. We also use a particular brand of salt called "Celtic Salt". It is more coarse than most salts and even looks dirty, which is a good thing. You will find me using this often in homemade soups from scratch. As previously stated, we had bought the same brand Andrea used in her video as well and I remember that item was priced very favorably. You can often find both discounts and sales on these items.
Dr. Mike


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