Know The Signs of Autism

Knowing the signs of Autism is important to help determine if your child has a form of Autism. Diagnosis of this chronic brain disorder is difficult, but early detection will help start treatments that might help them cope. The Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) is part of the NIH that works to understand the reasons that lead to Autism.
Though the disorder was described in 1940s not much was known till 1990s. Autism is generally noticed early in life as early as six months and up to three years. It can be found later in life as well. As a parent, you are with your child the most and know them the best. You will notice if there is any unusual reactions or actions by your child. Usually a parent or close family and friends notices the issues then bring the information to the doctor. The doctor will then evaluate your child to make a diagnosis. It is possible that the child is not atypical Autistic, if they just have a few symptoms or they could have mild Autism.
Parents and caregivers should be aware of the signs of Autism. It is better to not neglect signs because treatment may not cure Autism, but it could help reduce some of the symptoms. You don't have to seek out the signs of Autism. Just be aware of differences or things that don't seem to be typical child behavior or being on track.
Top indicators that need medical intervention as signs of autism:
No pointing or babbling by 12 months
Lack of social/language skills
No response or smiling
Low eye contact
Aversion to hugs/physical contact
You want your child to smile. This usually happens by six months and often before this age. You child may not be smiling and has a blank look, which could be a sign of Autism. If your child is 18 months old and is not at least using small words this could be a sign of Autism. This includes if a child doesn't speak very much at all. Does your child babble by their first birthday? The child should also be moving their hands to express themselves. If they are not then they could have an Autism sign. When it comes to talking in phrases this should happen by age 2. It will show they have an understanding and growing vocabulary of language. If it is not happening by age three then it could be a sign of Autism.
Another sign of Autism is social issues. They will not want to be touched or even be hugged by their parents. They don't respond to their parents or caregivers when they call to them or even make eye contact that is constant. They will also be found refusing to spend time and play with others in a way that seems out of place.
However, if you have noticed any change in behavior or delayed child development in your child seem similar to the above mentioned signs of autism, it is time to talk to your doctor.


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