Do I Have Arthritis?

Have you recently begun experiencing aches and pains in your joints? If so, you may be wondering about the possibility of arthritis. Of course, not all joint pain signifies arthritis-there are other possible causes as well. Furthermore, there are many different types of arthritis (over 100 in fact), and the severity of each varies dramatically. Below is a list of common symptoms resulting from arthritis-if you are experiencing any of these, have a conversation with your doctor as soon as possible.
• Joint pain, ranging from minor to severe 
• Joint stiffness 
• Joint inflammation 
• Tender joints 
• Stiffness in fingers, wrists, legs, and arms
The most common forms of arthritis include osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, and juvenile arthritis. More information about each is below:
Many tissues in the body break down as a function of use and are rebuilt as a function of normal health. Osteoarthritis (OA) is the condition that results when the cartilage cushioning the bones in the joint as they rub together (as in motion) deteriorates and becomes chipped and cracked. The body may also try to compensate for the loss of cartilage thickness by growing bone spurs (osteophytes). These rearrangements in the joint anatomy cause the inflammation so common in OA, and the inflammation, combined with the bones grinding together (if the disease is that severe) are the sources of the mild to severe pain experienced. Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis-when most people say "arthritis" they are referring to osteoarthritis.
Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic disorder that causes the immune system to attack the joints. Unlike most cases of osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis is often a debilitating condition as the pain can become quite severe. In addition to causing joint pain, it can also lead to severe inflammation.
Gout refers to a condition in which uric acid accumulates in the bloodstream, causing crystals to form in joints. These buildups result in severe pain and can impact many different joints throughout the body, though it most commonly affects toes. There are a number of drugs which can be used to manage gout and minimize buildups.
Juvenile arthritis impacts hundreds of thousands of Americans each year. Typically, juvenile arthritis refers to rheumatoid arthritis impacting a child, though there are other forms of arthritis which affect children as well. Many children are able to outgrow their juvenile arthritis, while others must manage the condition throughout their lifetime.
As you can see, "arthritis" can refer to many different diseases and conditions, ranging from minor joint pain to debilitating outbreaks of pain. Collectively, the many forms of arthritis impact millions of people each year. If you think you may be experiencing arthritic symptoms, talk to your doctor as soon as possible.
Being diagnosed with arthritis can be an upsetting experience for many people. But the truth is that the condition does not have to define you. Millions of Americans deal with arthritis on a daily basis-some use medication to manage discomfort, while others manage their condition by carefully monitoring their diet. If you would like more information relating to arthritis symptoms and possible treatments, please get in touch with me today!
RZN Nutraceuticals, Inc. was founded in 1999 by Mark Lubin, a 25-year veteran biomedical engineer and research scientist in the fields of orthopedics, joint diseases, implantable cardiac devices, materials science, and medical chemistry. He holds over a dozen United States Patents either issued or pending in these fields...and he has Joint Problems.


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