Controlling High Blood Pressure Naturally

Controlling high blood pressure naturally is the best strategy. Naturally, you must take steps to control the problem, whether you achieve the result by natural means or through medication.
Many people do not realize just how successful natural approaches can be. This is partly due to the high level of trust and reliance which people assign to their doctor. Unfortunately, the typical recommendation of any doctor will be to use prescription medication to control the problem. While many doctors firmly believe that natural strategies are best, doing otherwise can leave them exposed to medical liability lawsuits.
For that reason, they take the legally safe approach and prescribe various drugs to tackle the problem. What you must realize is that the drugs are doing nothing to cure the hypertension. Rather, all they are doing is managing the symptoms. This generally means that you will need to continue to take the medications indefinitely.
The other problem is that in many cases, the doctor is guessing as to the real cause of the problem. A period of trial and error is needed to get the right blend of medication. Finally, as with all medicines, there is the issue of potential side effects.
For controlling high blood pressure naturally, there are three principal elements which you must address. These are body weight, diet, and exercise. Here we will discuss the importance and relevance of each of these three aspects.
With respect to body weight, generally people who are overweight are more prone to hypertension problems. This makes perfect sense, as the body is working harder to simply carry around the extra weight. This puts more strain on the circulation system and drives up pressure. Even a small amount of extra weight can be problematic.
For that reason, you should take immediate steps to get your body weight to the normal range. Obviously diet and exercise can help with body weight, but they play a major role in many other ways as well.
Proper diet is not just about eating the right amount of food. What you eat is just as important. Getting on the right eating plan can address many cases of this problem all by itself. There are a number of diet programs you can follow, such as the DASH program or the South Beach diet. Avoiding fatty foods and sodium are important elements.
Perhaps the best strategy is to begin to avoid processed foods. The additives included in the processing are generally not helpful for your blood pressure at all!
Finally, getting appropriate exercise on a regular basis is of great assistance. Even a brisk walk daily is a good start.
Addressing your lifestyle might seem like a daunting task. However, it is your current lifestyle which is contributing to your hypertension. This is why controlling high blood pressure naturally will always involve lifestyle modifications!

Do I Have Arthritis?

Have you recently begun experiencing aches and pains in your joints? If so, you may be wondering about the possibility of arthritis. Of course, not all joint pain signifies arthritis-there are other possible causes as well. Furthermore, there are many different types of arthritis (over 100 in fact), and the severity of each varies dramatically. Below is a list of common symptoms resulting from arthritis-if you are experiencing any of these, have a conversation with your doctor as soon as possible.
• Joint pain, ranging from minor to severe 
• Joint stiffness 
• Joint inflammation 
• Tender joints 
• Stiffness in fingers, wrists, legs, and arms
The most common forms of arthritis include osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, and juvenile arthritis. More information about each is below:
Many tissues in the body break down as a function of use and are rebuilt as a function of normal health. Osteoarthritis (OA) is the condition that results when the cartilage cushioning the bones in the joint as they rub together (as in motion) deteriorates and becomes chipped and cracked. The body may also try to compensate for the loss of cartilage thickness by growing bone spurs (osteophytes). These rearrangements in the joint anatomy cause the inflammation so common in OA, and the inflammation, combined with the bones grinding together (if the disease is that severe) are the sources of the mild to severe pain experienced. Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis-when most people say "arthritis" they are referring to osteoarthritis.
Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic disorder that causes the immune system to attack the joints. Unlike most cases of osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis is often a debilitating condition as the pain can become quite severe. In addition to causing joint pain, it can also lead to severe inflammation.
Gout refers to a condition in which uric acid accumulates in the bloodstream, causing crystals to form in joints. These buildups result in severe pain and can impact many different joints throughout the body, though it most commonly affects toes. There are a number of drugs which can be used to manage gout and minimize buildups.
Juvenile arthritis impacts hundreds of thousands of Americans each year. Typically, juvenile arthritis refers to rheumatoid arthritis impacting a child, though there are other forms of arthritis which affect children as well. Many children are able to outgrow their juvenile arthritis, while others must manage the condition throughout their lifetime.
As you can see, "arthritis" can refer to many different diseases and conditions, ranging from minor joint pain to debilitating outbreaks of pain. Collectively, the many forms of arthritis impact millions of people each year. If you think you may be experiencing arthritic symptoms, talk to your doctor as soon as possible.
Being diagnosed with arthritis can be an upsetting experience for many people. But the truth is that the condition does not have to define you. Millions of Americans deal with arthritis on a daily basis-some use medication to manage discomfort, while others manage their condition by carefully monitoring their diet. If you would like more information relating to arthritis symptoms and possible treatments, please get in touch with me today!
RZN Nutraceuticals, Inc. was founded in 1999 by Mark Lubin, a 25-year veteran biomedical engineer and research scientist in the fields of orthopedics, joint diseases, implantable cardiac devices, materials science, and medical chemistry. He holds over a dozen United States Patents either issued or pending in these fields...and he has Joint Problems.

What Causes Clogged Pores on The Face?

When pores on your face become clogged there can be more than one reason why. As a result of which, there will almost always be an outbreak of acne. Firstly though, the mechanics behind your acne will have resulted from a particular substance known as sebum.
It is waxy and oily by nature and is made up of the body's lipids (fats). Sebum is created in the sebaceous gland, which in turn is an integral part of the pilosebaceous unit. This unit is home to not only the sebaceous gland but also it contains the hair and hair follicle. Your whole body (sparing the palms of your hands and soles of your feet) is covered in tiny hairs, the most dense area of course would be your scalp. The reason we have these tiny hair follicle factories all over our body is because sebum is crucial to the moisturizing of not only your hair but your skin also.
However, when too much sebum is created, it can for one reason or another, get stuck in your pores, this creates the right (or wrong, depending on how you look at it) environment for infection and inflammation, resulting in acne.
Teenagers are most at prey from acne, since their bodies produce far more sebum from enlarged sebaceous glands. This is why spots are more associated with the youth.
Most of the time, spots and acne will be a come and go affair, only a few pimples or whiteheads will make a short lived ugly appearance but unlucky individuals will suffer far more virulent forms of acne, ance conglobata or acne vulgaris to name two.
Causes of clogged pores on your face?
The places on your face that usually suffer the most will be the chin, the cheekbones and the forehead.
A typical reason an individual could be suffering from clogged pores on their face is from irregular or improper cleansing. You should be washing your face once in the morning and once before bed. Throughout the day, oily skin is a magnet for dust, dirt and grime. The stuff literally sticks to it from out of the atmosphere. By washing your face twice a day, you could be helping towards staving off spots.
A word of warning though, don't over wash, your skin will fight back if all the oil has been removed, it will create even more to compensate.
Cheap brand make up is another culprit, full of chemicals that can stick to your skin and sink into the pores, clogging them up and causing the right conditions for spots. Switch to water based make up where ever possible. Never ever go to bed at night without having first removed your make up.
Using a good quality skin exfoliate every few days and a good face mask once a week can help remove any build up of dead unmoved skin cells.
Lastly, before you start using any moisturizer, make sure you have picked one that is suited to your type of skin. There is a reason the manufacturers have a range of them. Everyone's skin is different and if you take the time to find out which one suits you, you could be saving yourself trouble in the long run.

Effective Natural Treatments for Acne

Acne is a term used in relation to different skin outbreaks, namely white heads, pimples, pustules, and blackheads to mention but a few. Acne affects people of all ages and sexes, and does not discriminate on race or colour. However, it tends to be common in teenagers who just hit adolescence.
This is attributed to the fact that hormones multiply during the transition from childhood to adulthood, which can lead to an overproduction of sebum, which will eventually end up clogging skin pores, thus leading to acne breakouts.
If you are suffering from acne, or if you are genetically predisposed to the same, the following are some basic natural remedies to help you with the condition. The best thing about natural home remedies for acne is that they are natural, hence the results are almost guaranteed without the negative side effects of over the counter medicines and other topical applications.
Further, natural acne remedies are very affordable compared to their prescription or over the counter counterparts. Actually, they are normally readily available at home, most of which you can find easily in your kitchen. Examples of effective natural acne remedies include:
Oatmeal - Use an oatmeal facemask, to prepare it use a food processor to grind your oats into powder then cook with some water, allow to cool and apply to the face. Wash off after half an hour. It absorbs excessive oil from the skin's pores, removes bacteria and exfoliates dead skin cells.
Egg white - one effective acne natural remedy is egg whites, which are readily available at home. Egg whites come laden with rich protein to help absorb and dry out oil from the skin, thus unclogging the clogged pores and getting rid of acne causing bacteria.
Vinegar - take vinegar and mix it with salt in a bowl full of warm water. Take the concoction and rub it gently on the acne-affected areas, leaving it on for at least 20 minutes before rinsing off. Repeat this for five days and you will notice a significant improvement in your acne.
Neem leaves - whilst not a miracle cure, can be an effective addition to an acne treatment plan. This is because neem leaves are an antibacterial herb, so they can help control the bacteria infection of acne. Their oil reducing effect will also reduce the acne, although neem products and home remedies must be produced in a mild form so as not to deplete all the skin's natural oils.
Yoghurt - this is irrefutably the only dairy product that is ideal and recommended for your skin. When yoghurt is fermenting, the presence or pro-biotic bacteria ensures it is easily digestible and soluble. These pro-biotic bacteria found in yoghurt are normally very effective for healthy and radiant skin, as they are known to kill bad bacteria and boost the body's immunity to fight diseases and disease causing organisms.
Potato - Peel the potato then cut a piece to hold against the face, or grate to get some juice from it to apply to the face. It reduces redness and inflammation due to its alkalinity and vitamin content and like neem, has a drying out effect on the skin.
Aloe Vera - this is yet another effective acne remedy that occurs naturally and almost freely to everyone. Its healing properties have been used to not only cure acne but also cuts, bruises, ulcers, and stomach related complications. The best thing about aloe vera and acne is the fact that it reduces scarring of the skin very fast, thus facilitating natural healing. This justifies the reason why most skin care products in the market claim to contain aloe vera as the main active ingredient. You should however be very careful because not every product is genuine or comes from genuine sources. Only go for approved products.
The sufferer can hopefully find some relief from one or more of these seven natural remedies, everybody's different so it really is worth persisting with trying different treatments until something effective is found.

Herbs to Help Treat Diabetes

Diabetes is a dangerous disease because it can cause complications in other organs, such as cardiovascular disease, kidney failure and nerve damage. For better and healthy life, we need to treat the body and try to keep blood sugar levels to avoid this disease.
In addition to medically since ancient times many natural herbs actually used to treat diabetes. Scientific research has confirmed the effectiveness of some certain herbs to overcome diabetes. Here are some herbs that have been believed to help cure diabetes.
1. Fenugreek
Trigonella foenum-graecum) is a plant in the family Fabaceae. Fenugreek is used both as a herb (the leaves) and as a spice (the seed, often called methi in Hindi). The leaves and sprouts are also eaten as vegetables. The plant is cultivated worldwide as a semi-arid crop and is a common ingredient in many curries.
These plants have the ability to control blood glucose levels and has been widely used to control diabetes.
Fenugreek lowers resistance to insulin and control blood glucose levels by increasing the number of insulin receptors in red blood cells. This will increase glucose utilization in peripheral tissues, thereby reducing the levels of glucose in the blood. However Fenugreek should not be used by pregnant or lactating women.
2. Aloe vera
Aloe vera is often regarded as a 'healing herb'. Dried aloe vera sap and gel (inner leaf) is used traditionally to treat diabetes because it is believed to help reduce levels of fasting blood glucose
3. Cinnamon
This plant makes fat cells more accessible to insulin and increase the conversion of glucose into energy. It also inhibits the formation of harmful free radicals.
4. Onion
Garlic can significantly lower blood sugar. Garlic extract reduces blood sugar levels during oral and intravenous glucose tolerance. Onions affect the hepatic metabolism of glucose and increases insulin release, thus preventing destruction of insulin.
5. Garlic
Garlic is regarded as the best herb to lower blood sugar as well as repair cells of the pancreas and stimulates the pancreas to produce insulin. It has been proven in many studies, but unfortunately there are still many who do not use it.
6. Basil
Studies have shown that basil has a positive effect on glucose after meals and during fasting. This herb can facilitate the process of insulin secretion.
7. Mango leaves
Mango leaves are known as effective drugs in diabetes. The trick, simply by soaking the leaves of mango in a cup of water overnight. After that, drain the leaves out and drink the water. This helps to relieve the symptoms of diabetes.
8. Asian Ginseng
Asian ginseng is commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat diabetes. This plant has a direct effect in lowering the sugar, increase the release of insulin from the pancreas and increase the number of insulin receptors.

Smoking causes bladder cancer

The 2004 report of the Surgeon General on the health consequences of smoking concluded that smoking causes bladder cancer (see details in report). Little surprise then today that another large prospective study following older US adults for approximately 10 years shows smoking is directly related to increased risk of bladder cancer. As women and men have patterns of cigarette smoking that are becoming more alike, the risk increase of bladder cancer among smokers also becomes more alike. 

Sadly, media coverage suggests more research is needed. What we need is better prevention of smoking and prevention of addiction to cigarettes, which leads to cancer in many different parts of the body, bladder being just one such location.  Making smoking cessation services and strategies available to all smokers to avoid these unnecessary cases of cancer is surely the top priority, not more research to understand mechanisms of how smoking causes bladder cancer.

Nuts for Nuts

Limiting red meat intake is one of the key messages in our cancer prevention education programs and we've talked about it before on CNiC. Red meat significantly increases risk of colon cancer and may also increase risk of lung, esophageal, stomach and pancreatic cancers.

But as with many of the things you can do to lower your cancer risk, eating less red meat isn't just about cancer. Eating red meat also increases your risk of heart disease and diabetes. The good news is that making a simple switch can change that risk. Our colleagues at Harvard report today on the NY Times Well Blog that replacing just one serving a day of red meat with nuts, low fat dairy or whole grains can lower diabetes risk.

What does this add to our knowledge? We've known that red and processed meats increase risk and the Harvard data adds to that, but few studies have been able to examine the effect of behavior change. The Harvard study modeled the change to see what happened to risk. This means, regardless of what you've been doing to now, you can change what you're doing and change your risk. So go nuts for nuts (or whole grains).

Rest NOT Best

Following closely on the heels of the American College of Sports Medicine Exercise Guidelines for Cancer Survivors, MacMillan Cancer Support in the UK this week is launching a Move More campaign designed to get cancer survivors up and moving and debunk the notion that rest is best for cancer survivors during and after treatment. As part of that MacMillan reviewed the evidence supporting a role for exercise in survivors. Expanding on the ACSM focus on clinical trials, the MacMillan report includes observational data – notably that showing that exercise reduces risk of recurrence and death in breast, colorectal and prostate cancer survivors. The MacMillan website holds a wealth of information, directed at survivors, on how to go about safely being active.

The benefits of activity, what we mean by activity, how to safely be active and how to get started are all covered in great detail.

Dr. Robert Thomas, a medical oncologist, sums it all up nicely in this video.

For other ways to stay healthy after a cancer diagnosis, check our our Cancer Survivors' 8 Ways. For more on how exercise can help prevent cancer, click over to the video from our 8 ways campaign.

Can Vitamin A Really Cure Acne?

Vitamin A is one of many solutions used to help deal with acne. It is so effective in fact that prescription treatments like Accutane and Isotrex use it as a main ingredient. What is it in this vitamin that makes it work? And what are the risks and side effects of using this treatment for acne? Read on to learn more.
Vitamin A Mechanism and Function
Vitamin A is an important nutrient needed by different parts of our body. Its most active form, retinol, is converted into retinal, which helps us see in the dark. Retinol is also converted into retinoic acid, a compound needed by the cells to multiply and specialize in function. It is also needed for the normal function of the linings of our lungs and respiratory tract.
Retinoic acid is also a vital component needed to keep skin healthy, strong and supple. It switches on genes needed for skin cells to mature, develop, and regenerate. The product Retin-A relies on this chemical to increase skin cell turnover and keep skin young-looking. A form of retinoic acid, isotretinoin, is popularly used to treat acne. It shrinks the sebaceous glands so that sebum or oil production on the skin is drastically reduced. Because of this, pores become smaller and the acne-causing bacteria that feed on oil in the pores and on skin disappear. Isotretinoin also minimizes the redness and inflammation of pimples.
Another form of vitamin A are carotenoids, precursors of retinol found in colorful plants and vegetables. Carotenoids also function as antioxidants that help protect the cells from toxins as well as help repair damaged skin.
Sources of Vitamin A
Vitamin A in the form of retinol come from animal products. These include beef and chicken liver, milk, cheese, butter, margarine, egg whites and cod liver oil. Carotenoids, on the other hand, are abundant in vegetables like carrots, spinach, kale, peas, tomatoes and pepper and in fruits like cantaloupe, apricots, papaya, mango and peaches.
Vitamin A supplements are also sold in drugstores and health shops. In the United States, the recommended daily intake of vitamin A is 700 micrograms (or 2,310 IU) for adult females and 900 micrograms (or 3,000 IU) for adult males. Acne treatments like Accutane, Isotane, and Retin-A also contain elevated levels of vitamin A.
Side Effects
Overdosing on vitamin A may cause very serious side effects. The U.S. Institute of Medicine recommends a maximum of only 3,000 IU of Vitamin A. Any more than that and you're upping the chances of birth defects (in pregnant women), liver failure, bone weakening, and central nervous system damage. When taking vitamin A-based acne treaments, it is common to see a sudden flareup in acne, extreme dryness, irritation, flaking, and sensitivity.
There you have it - the pros and cons of vitamin A for acne. While this acne vitamin is worth trying especially for stubborn and severe acne, you can also look into other vitamins for acne that may have more health benefits than side effects.
Andi Allegre is a blogger, freelance writer, and skin care addict guilty of spending more than half her income on beauty and skin products. Once an acne-riddled teenager herself, she has found acne relief with the help of acne vitamins. Visit to learn more about vitamin B5 acne treatment. This article may be republished provided that the author's information and all active links are left intact.

Autism Signs - Signals for Diagnosis

There are nuances and medical jargon about learning, developmental and behavioral disabilities that can confuse any parent. However, the more you read, the worse it becomes. So where do you start if you think your child is behind the 'normal development' milestones that other children are reaching? Do you hear people mentioning autism?
well, what is autism and how do you know if a loved one is suffering? Well, it is a brain disorder beginning in early childhood and you look for the sign. What are the signs you ask?
There are many signs that start to show by age three. Autism signs are usually noticed after this age with some individuals not being diagnosed until they are older. A person with autism will have it their entire life and it could be a mild or severe form. If a person has mild autism it is often diagnosed as asperger's syndrome. The person will have an average to high IQ. As a parent or teacher working properly to help children with mild autism can assist them avoid severe autism problems in adulthood.
Although there is no cure for autism there are treatments available. It is considered the sooner the diagnosis the sooner treatment can begin. This can help the child be under the treatment that will help them deal with the condition in the best possible way. Some of the treatment methods include modification in diet, medication, behavioral therapies, counseling and parental education. The effort of the parents along with the educators, when working as a team is beneficial for the child.
Basic Autism Signs
* Difficulty maintaining constant eye contact with others
* Extreme knowledge of certain things, elements and topics
* Poor motor skills
* Difficultly and no interest in showing affection, such as hugs
* Compulsive and repetitive movements with objects or body postures
* Severe mood swings
* Lack of response when called by name
* Lack of sharing enjoyment and interest
* Found to repeat elements such as phrases from books, movies and conversations
* It isn't easy to make friends and keep friends
* Talking too much or about unrelated items during a conversation
Parents and caregivers are with the child most frequently. They know their child the best and are the first source when it comes to finding autism signs. There are some autism signs that are the most commonly noticed first. These include communication issues including difficulty relating with others; difficulty speaking and having a conversation and being withdrawn from others frequently or it could be repetitiveness.
If any of these autism signs are noticed it is time to consult a doctor. A child with autism will be showing several different signs and they will be noticed frequently. One thing to consider is noticing the child is withdrawn. You could speak to them and call their name, but they will not pay attention. They will be in their own world. It will be difficult for a parent to consider their child has Autism, but it will help the child in the long run if they actually are Autistic allowing them proper treatment.

Know The Signs of Autism

Knowing the signs of Autism is important to help determine if your child has a form of Autism. Diagnosis of this chronic brain disorder is difficult, but early detection will help start treatments that might help them cope. The Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) is part of the NIH that works to understand the reasons that lead to Autism.
Though the disorder was described in 1940s not much was known till 1990s. Autism is generally noticed early in life as early as six months and up to three years. It can be found later in life as well. As a parent, you are with your child the most and know them the best. You will notice if there is any unusual reactions or actions by your child. Usually a parent or close family and friends notices the issues then bring the information to the doctor. The doctor will then evaluate your child to make a diagnosis. It is possible that the child is not atypical Autistic, if they just have a few symptoms or they could have mild Autism.
Parents and caregivers should be aware of the signs of Autism. It is better to not neglect signs because treatment may not cure Autism, but it could help reduce some of the symptoms. You don't have to seek out the signs of Autism. Just be aware of differences or things that don't seem to be typical child behavior or being on track.
Top indicators that need medical intervention as signs of autism:
No pointing or babbling by 12 months
Lack of social/language skills
No response or smiling
Low eye contact
Aversion to hugs/physical contact
You want your child to smile. This usually happens by six months and often before this age. You child may not be smiling and has a blank look, which could be a sign of Autism. If your child is 18 months old and is not at least using small words this could be a sign of Autism. This includes if a child doesn't speak very much at all. Does your child babble by their first birthday? The child should also be moving their hands to express themselves. If they are not then they could have an Autism sign. When it comes to talking in phrases this should happen by age 2. It will show they have an understanding and growing vocabulary of language. If it is not happening by age three then it could be a sign of Autism.
Another sign of Autism is social issues. They will not want to be touched or even be hugged by their parents. They don't respond to their parents or caregivers when they call to them or even make eye contact that is constant. They will also be found refusing to spend time and play with others in a way that seems out of place.
However, if you have noticed any change in behavior or delayed child development in your child seem similar to the above mentioned signs of autism, it is time to talk to your doctor.

Alternative Treatment for Asthma

What is asthma?
Asthma is a medical condition that affects many people worldwide. When inflammation in the airway (bronchial tubes) becomes inflamed, it can lead to difficulty breathing. Air is taken in, but because of the production of mucus and swelling in the airway tubes, it is difficult to release the air back out. Many triggers can bring on an asthmatic episode such as: over exertion, cigarette smoke, dust, and many times, allergies. When they are inhaled by an asthmatic these problematic conditions may occur. Some symptoms that could develop are: tightness in the chest, a wheezing or whistling sound when breathing, coughing, or tightness in the chest.
The most important measure that can be done to prevent flare-ups is to avoid the triggers. Many take controller medications on a daily basis to help ward off these problematic episodes. It is necessary to take these medications even when there are no signs or symptoms present. These might include inhalers or pills. Once the asthma has developed into a breathing problem, a stronger type of medication is given to the individual usually by way of a nebulizer. Steroids are taken in by inhaling through a mask to dilate the airways and help to alleviate the breathing problem and allowing oxygen into the patient's airway more easily. If the patient is not improving after this type of treatment they may need to seek emergency assistance quickly.
What are some alternative treatments for asthma?
There are many alternatives for those afflicted with asthma. Some people have the desire to use measures such as herbs and vitamins. They are turning towards a more natural approach to treat the disease rather than the use of steroids and medications with dangerous side effects. Some of those may include vitamin C, ding-chan tang (DCT), or Ma Huang (ephedra.) The United States Food Administration has banned the use of Ephedra in recent years. Yoga is used regularly as a form of controlling breathing by many. By controlled breathing, close attention is paid to the inhalation and exhalation process to ensure that sufficient amounts of oxygen are delivered to the lungs.
Many are seeking acupuncture treatment as a form of treatment. It is not clear how much impact it has on the treatment of asthma but many do believe it produces positive results. Relaxation techniques are being utilized as a way to decrease anxiety, which can trigger an episode of asthma. When changing treatments, it is important, to let the health care professional know because there can be an interaction to certain medications with the use of vitamins and herbs. If a blood thinner is being taken, it is important not to take Gingko biloba-- although it has proven to decrease inflammation in the airway--it also works as a blood thinner. Liquorice root is often used to settle inflammation, but it can elevate blood pressure. Research is important when opting for these types of treatment. Look for scientific backing and speak with the pharmacist or physician about possible interactions with medications you are taking.