Tips on Preparing Healthy Food For Baby

Healthy Food for Baby
Baby has a stomach that is still very small and not very strong. Any food that goes into the baby's stomach should be set carefully. There are some things we need to consider in preparing and organizing baby food, such as age of the child, how to prepare food, and nutritional content.

Let us discuss one by one, starting from the age of the baby. Each stage of the age of the baby has the kind of food that is different. At the age of 0-6 months, the baby may only eat liquid food, namely milk. Next enter the age of 6-12 months, we may give soft foods and semi-solids such as porridge and bananas. Remove the age of one year, we have more flexibility to provide a varied diet to the baby, such as a piece of fruit or vegetable. The thing to remember always considers hygiene and cleanliness of the food.

Hygiene can be obtained from the baby food you choose. It would be better if you cook it yourself menu you serve to your child. The raw material is good baby food usually consists of rice, chicken, meat, vegetables, and fish. For fish, choose a fresh and red. Then for vegetables, also select the fresh and bright colors. Cook and taste best way for your child to love. When cooking, make sure the food is cooked perfectly to all the germs and bacteria can die. But also do not use the fire is too big and takes too long because the food can become mushy and lose nutrients.

It is important to prepare and set up baby food, never adds flavor, but still have to pay attention to the baby food flavors for baby. This material may cause damage to brain function. Once cooked, let the heat and taste the food disappear first. Make sure the food that goes comfortably swallowed by the baby.

If you choose instant baby food, always check the packaging and expiration date. Do not choose products with damaged packaging and approaching expiration date. If you are storing baby food that has been cooked for granted again later, store it in a clean and away from the smell. Keep away from the smell of durian baby food or coffee that could affect the flavor of food.


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